Monday, February 4, 2008

extra things to celebrate

If you are looking for those extra holidays to celebrate, like Buddy Ebsen's birthday (April 2) or National Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept. 19) I want you to know that today is one of those days: Today is the 10th anniversary of my husband quitting smoking. He didn't quit with help from National Smokeout or the Cancer Society or (though those are fine places to start if you're looking to quit.) He did it with help from Nintendo and a game called Doom. He rented both items from King Video and locked himself in our basement in Blacksburg and shot stuff for the weekend.

Qutiting wasn't easy. Sometimes it's still not easy. But it's been 10 years and I am incredibly proud of him. Tradition says that he gets a reward around this time every year, namely a CD or LP box set he wouldn't otherwise buy for himself. We're still on financial lockdown, but I'm still getting him the box set. (His choice: Goodbye, Babylon from Dust-to-Digital.)

Consider the cost of cigarettes (there's a tax chart here if you're interested) and the savings we get on insurance just for starters.

If you know someone who's quit smoking, consider a reward from time to time -- just a little something that shows that you recognize how hard it is, and a little extra encouragement to keep going.

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