Friday, December 18, 2009

Make-it Night

My favorite night of Hanukkah at our house is the self-instituted make-it night, where the gifts we give are the gifts we make. I LOVE crafts. I'm just not that good at making them, being too impatient for some of the finer details. Fortunately, I've never let that stop me.

Here are the things I made the kids this year:

Hopefully you can recognize these guys without a label. My kids, at least, knew who they were!!

This is a skirt made from fabric created by the amazing Heather Ross. I used this free Lazy Days Skirt Pattern, which allows even people like me to look as if they know what they're doing.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Of course I recognize the puppets!!!

It's Ritchie, Potise and the Honz.